Human Resources

Why Pre-Employment Test Scores are Job Specific
Why Pre-Employment Test Scores are Job Specific
How important are job specific cut scores? Very. A cut score is the lowest score a candidate can achieve on
Finding Good Substitute Teachers
Finding Good Substitute Teachers
Being a substitute teacher is a tough job. They have to try to memorize dozens of names in a day. They
Why Cut Scores Are Not Based on Your Top Performers
Why Cut Scores Are Not Based on Your Top Performers
What does your hiring process look like? Do you try to solicit, identify and acquire a superstar every time a
Non-proctored assessments vs proctored
Non-proctored assessments vs proctored
Now more than ever, efficiency is at a premium for employers and educational institutions, as both are trying to find
Avoiding Retail Theft During the Holidays
Avoiding Retail Theft During the Holidays
This may be the season of giving for many, but for too many others, it’s the season of taking. As many
Understanding Cut Scores: They’re Not Just Random Numbers!
Understanding Cut Scores: They’re Not Just Random Numbers!
Our tests are unique in that often the same assessment is recommended for a variety of different positions. Unfortunately, the
Keyword optimized resumes: To scan or not to scan
Employee Selection
Keyword optimized resumes: To scan or not to scan
You’re done. You’ve had it. Your car… for years it’s pulled left when you steer it straight and it’s always
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